Weekly Horoscope Oct 14th to Oct 20th, 2018: Know weekly astrology predictions for all zodiac signs
Aries (21st Mar – 20th Apr): News from an old friend is likely to bring joy. Tensions may increase due to pending issues. Relationship with relatives may cause stress. Sometime things may not turn out the way you have planned, let things go for a while. There is no sense in trying to change especially with opinions of people. Those who are working on challenging tasks at work place, should pay complete attention. Caring and soft influence of your communication skills in a social event will attract people around you. Good time to work on arts and music. Do your best to be supportive of your partner.
Taurus (21st Apr – 21st May): Better to speak on long pending issues now rather than wait, because things may change and not be same any more, It could be about business or personal life. Pay attention to dental related issues. Though additional responsibilities increase at work your patience will bring potential results. Those who work independently may find more stress to deal with in the environment. Pay attention to others emotions. Those who are undergoing financial pressure from quite some time may get some relaxation. Try to focus on the light hearted or funny side of things.
Gemini (22nd May – 22nd Jun): Things may go in a nagging way. Emotional stress is likely. Your actions may disturb the atmosphere at home. You may show interest to restart or revise your hobbies which you have left long back. Unhealthy food or eating odd timings may impact your health, try to detoxify your body. Eat fresh and healthy. Sudden developments and decisions work out well in domestic matters. abundant new opportunities are predicted for the business people. Give preference to your partner’s advice too for a harmonious relationship. People around you may get influenced with your chummy and soft nature.
Cancer (23rd Jun - 22nd Jul): Some of you may spend more time at office. New decisions regarding family issues is likely to be successful. Better to take decisions based on past experiences in significant issues. Creative talents may win many appreciations. New contact made at this juncture may soon turn into a relationship. You would love to spend time with your children. You will get an opportunity to serve the needy. Do not waste your time much in thinking, take the day as it comes and move on. Health needs attention. It is important sometimes to share your thoughts, experiences etc., with your partner.
Leo (23rd Jul – 22nd Aug): Old relationships may cause some stress. You will get your works done with your talkativeness. Children’s issues may need attention, especially give emphasis on their safety. You can be extra resourceful, finding efficient uses for the material you have at hand. Some problems may start reducing, but pressure may continue. You are delighted to spend time with your loved one. It may be very hard to keep your appetite for pleasure under control. Some of you may take off from the routine usual work and plan for outings. Give emphasis on your health.
Virgo (23rd Aug – 22nd Sep): Some of you are likely to receive gifts from your loved ones. Meeting old friend is likely. You are forced to change your future plans due to some issues at home front. It may take some time for you to get adjusted with new things. You may be tempted to spend hard earned money on unimportant things. Better financial planning is required. Some one may come to you to show their gratitude for the help you offered them in the past. Tensions and pressures are indicating in professional life. Forgiving somebody who has hurt you in the past may set yourself free.
Libra (23rd Sep – 22nd Oct): Communications will increase. Better to postpone any important business meetings or decisions. Do not allow your financial worries to bring you down, possessing over every petty detail will not solve the overall problem. Your hard work and success in current projects will boost your guts to demand more at work place. You must make some time to relax and enjoy life. some of you may spend delightful and pleasant time with loved ones probably going out for restaurants. Pay attention to domestic needs and family members, especially children related matters.
Scorpio (23rd Oct – 22nd Nov): Many of you may work overtime to increase the finances. Pay attention while planning budget. Stress is likely to make you prone to illness, so protect yourself from rest and physical workouts. Unexpected issues may arise at work place. You are likely to postpone business affairs to next week. Your spiritual knowledge will prosper. Some of you may spend good time with friends. Don’t be surprised if your loved ones may go against your opinions, as everyone is entitled to their own thoughts.
Sagittarius (23rd Nov – 22nd Dec): Plan sometime to meet your old friends. Too many thoughts in your mind may disturb you work; however, you will improve your personal and spiritual growth at this juncture. Surround yourself with things and people that comfort you. You are likely to spend money on material things. Be careful about your valuables. Proper planning in investments at this juncture may yield good results. Some relationships may strain due to communication barriers. Domestic life will be blissful. Good time for artistic and creative work.
Capricorn (23rd Dec – 22nd Jan): You will be able to manage Your stress with self-confidence. You will get good support from a co worker in a tricky situation at work place. You are likely to participate in social service activities along with high profile people. Your good deeds will be noticed. You will find a solution to the problem that has aroused in the past. People who have low mood should try to spend time helping others or socializing. Relationships will be more delightful. Those who are planning to do new courses or short-term courses will do so.
Aquarius (23rd Jan - 22nd Feb): Traveling will be full of fun and adventures. discipline and determination in current projects will enable you to achieve best results. Your superiors will be impressed at how well you can work under pressure also. Your colleagues and associates make a powerful impression on you. Those involved in service fields may have some ego or emotional clashes. New contacts will develop with the people who share your ideals. Involving in religious deeds and spiritual activities will refresh your mind and thoughts.
Pisces (23rd Feb – 20th Mar): Positive changes can be expected in the current jobs. There is possibility of emotional stress, especially those who are sensitive to the moods. Some of you may take up new courses to improve skills in respective fields. Those in creative and media fields will get recognition. You will get good opportunities to achieve your goals, don’t let the opportunities go away from your hand. Embarrassing situations may arise in a social get-together. Communication from remote places is likely. expanding your network of friends can benefit both your personal life and career.
Vakkantham Chandra Mouli