Weekly Horoscope September 23 to September 29, 2018: Know weekly astrology predictions for all zodiac signs
Aries (21st Mar – 20th Apr): Business transactions may not be very fruitful. You may have to work hard to set the things in right direction. Team work will bring good results, especially to grow financially. Don’t waste your time on frivolities. Spending few hours on domestic matters that you consider to be more urgent will make your life peaceful. You are likely to enter into a tricky situation if you do not open your mouth when someone put a big restriction. Unmarried may get marriage proposals. Friends and dear ones will be very supportive in all phases of your life.
Taurus (21st Apr – 21st May): Positive changes in relationships is likely. Unemployed who are trying for jobs may get good opportunities. Business people or people in higher authorities are likely to attend meetings and this will apparently increase their reputation and give best results. Contractors are likely to get good deals. Those who are planning to develop their own institutes may now put their ideas and views in implementation, well organized and clear vision make them successful. You are advised to pay more attention to your health and general well-being.
Gemini (22nd May – 22nd Jun): Your honesty and real efforts to patch up few relationships may certainly be successful. You will benefit in many different ways with this. Some of you are likely to visit a new place where you have never been and you will have a great fun. You are likely to receive gifts from your loved ones. Good time to think about practical and financial matters. you would rather take a moderate and careful approach to things at this juncture rather than do anything unwise, and that will turn out to be a very sensible strategy.
Cancer (23rd Jun - 22nd Jul): Favorable time to work on new projects. You believe that you are capable of achieving all the things you have planned right now. However, you need to show patience, determination and strong work ethic. One of your colleagues may remarkably friendly and helpful. Some of you may buy furniture and fittings to the house. Those who are planning for renovation and other add ups to the house may do so. Domestic life will blossom and increase in many different ways along with bigger responsibilities.
Leo (23rd Jul – 22nd Aug): You are likely to make some important decisions about your personal life. Disagreements with people around you are likely. You would feel strong and courageous and can use your initiative to tackle difficult tasks at professional front. care is important while driving vehicles. Some of you may plan for a holiday or a short trip that you have always wanted to visit. Avoid yourself making promises as you can not keep doing things that are beyond your space. Students will do well in studies.
Virgo (23rd Aug – 22nd Sep): Certain domestic issues may need attention. Profound and transparent discussions with family members may improve your bonds and also creates an atmosphere in which your loved ones may feel safe and secured. Wise investments will give good results in long run for those who have investment plans at this juncture. some of you are likely to spend money on spiritual trips. Acting spontaneously in tough situations at work will take you with the flow. Do not be surprise if people alter their minds about what they want to do.
Libra (23rd Sep – 22nd Oct): You will discuss significant matter with your close friend. Any changes made at this juncture in the organization or business etc., may give good results. You are likely to give some gifts to your favorite ones. Social life promises to bring you all sorts of good things. People in creative fields will be benefited by new projects, it will give you more confidence in your everyday life. You may push yourself further than usual in personal life matters. Some of you are likely to participate in exciting and energizing events.
Scorpio (23rd Oct – 22nd Nov): If a relationship gets off the ground today it will be very significant in your life. Since it will change your life in some way. Some of you are likely to give break to their regular works and bask in home comforts. It Is not advisable to take risks in money matter though you have people to look after the issues. An interesting and lively discussion or debate is possible with your friend or colleague. Employees are likely to get their pay rise or may get some bonus. Patience and tranquility will be rewarded in a short while in all the aspects.
Sagittarius (23rd Nov – 22nd Dec): An unexpected change may take and it will take you to the right direction. Your interest towards spiritual activities will increase. You will get an opportunity to widen your social contacts. Friends will play a big role bringing you laughter and happiness. In profession, you are likely to take some helpful points from your mentor to grow and to attain success. Spending time with favorite hobbies will improve the atmosphere around you when you feel bored. Don’t make any commitments which may become troublesome for you in future.
Capricorn (23rd Dec – 22nd Jan): A very good atmosphere prevails at work place. work mates are cooperative and superiors are encouraging and you are pleased with what you manage to achieve. Those who are planning to apply for new jobs may do so. Your determination and quick action plans enable you to reach your targets in short while. You may even decide to aim high targets that you would normally consider to be way beyond you. Seek professional advice if you are involved in legal matters or any other contracts.
Aquarius (23rd Jan - 22nd Feb): Some of you may join short term courses to update the knowledge pertain to current job profile. Your self-confidence and enthusiasm make this an ideal time to start new projects. Be prepared for some changes that will help to improve the situation in domestic issues in some way. Concentrating on documentation work will enable you to deal with new contracts easily. Last moment changes in plans is predicted due to unexpected guests. You may expect favorable reactions in public speaking or debating.
Pisces (23rd Feb – 20th Mar): The positive reaction you get from everyone will do wonders for your self-confidence. Unseen talents will emerge to help your personal and professional advancement. Financial rise is indicating for those who are working independently. You could make money on investments and all sorts of financial deals. Some clever moves at this juncture will bring success in current projects. Bank related works may be nagging at this phase. Relationships will feel more intense but in a good way.
Vakkantham Chandra Mouli