Please DISREGARD the press release issued by "Chakradhar Voleti" yesterday CLAIMING that a meeting of the TANA General Body took place yesterday in Atlanta, GA. NO SUCH MEETING OCCURRED.
That is not to say that a small number of people (numbering only about 100) didn't meet in Atlanta. They did. But it wasn't a meeting of the General Body of TANA because the bylaws of TANA do not provide for meetings of the General Body except every two years at the Conference. Even when the General Body meets at that conference, the TANA bylaws provide that they may NOT take any binding action.
More importantly, even if such a meeting could have been called, this particular meeting did not satisfy TANA's bylaws, Maryland law or even fundamental fairness which requires that adequate notice be given to all members of TANA. This was NOT done. The email list which the recently removed president of TANA, Mr. Prabhakar Kakarala, used to send out his various emails proposing yesterday's meeting, does NOT contain all of the members of TANA. No other manner of notice was used by Mr. Kakarala in his requests for the meeting to give notice to the members that are not on the email list.
Finally, even if proper notice had been given, which was clearly not the case, Mr. Kakarala and his miniscule group of supporters (less than one percent of the members) did not constitute a quorum by even a stretch of imagination.
To understand what is really going on here, we are providing a list of some of the people behind the Atlanta farce:
Ravindra Alapati currently suing TANA
Ramakrishna Koganti currently suing TANA
Srinivas Lavu currently suing TANA
Ravindra Madala currently suing TANA
Chakradhar Voleti currently suing TANA, signatory of press release
Ramamohanarao Vadlamudi currently suing TANA, has sued TANA before, campaigned for Ramakumar Nadella who lost election
Ranakumar Nadella lost election in 2007 for Executive Vice President
Prabhakar Kakarala former president of TANA,
removed as the president on 9/25/2008 in the best interests of TANA
Based on the foregoing, it would appear that the meeting in Atlanta was orchestrated by a small number of people bent on taking control of TANA and its assets and foisting their own agenda on the membership of TANA. The very small number of people attending that meeting and that the meeting was being led by the people actively suing TANA for their own ends should tell us the true story behind this meeting. The so-called resolutions from that meeting do not have any validity or recognition.
TANA Governing Board continues to move forward its agenda of service to Telugus in US and elsewhere. We thank you for the support that you have offered in this difficult time for the organization and hope to see you at the 17th TANA Conference in Chicago.
Best Regards,
Jayaram Komati
Interim President
[email protected]