Dear Election Committee and Directors:
I have serious concerns about two candidates that are running for position of Secretary and Treasurer in the upcoming elections.
Mr. Sateesh Vemuri, the candidate for Secretary has been charged by complaint with one count of conspiracy to commit visa fraud by the Department of Justice. He was arrested and was later released on USD 250,000 bond. The conspiracy charge carries a maximum potential penalty of five years in prison and a USD 250,000 fine. While (Article XIV, Section 11 (e) (i)) of the TANA Bylaws clearly specify conviction as a requirement for ineligibility for participation in elections, an arrest and ongoing case (The USA vs Satish Vemuri) is still pending in New Jersey District Court (Case # 2:19-nj-03272) and is awaiting judgment. A documented attempt of fraud against the US government agency is a severe breach of moral turpitude and the Board of Directors should resolve to reject this candidature in the best interest of the organization.
The secretary will have access to private data and Personally Identifiable information (PII). It is a serious obligation of non-profit organization to protect and secure such information. If Mr. Vemuri is successful in the election and convicted during his tenure, it will cause severe damage to organization and its reputation and in accordance to TANA bylaws Article V Section 9 (b) that conviction of crimes involving moral turpitude shall constitute automatic revocation of membership and will most definitely lead to him being disqualified as an officer and life member of the organization.
Similarly, the candidate for the position of Treasurer Mr. Ashok Kolla has a case filed against him in India. A criminal case (Case# 57/2020)) has been filed in the SR Nagar Police Station of Hyderabad, Telangana, India on January 17, 2020 by Mr. Srinivasa Rao Pucchakayala. The complainant stated that Mr. Ashok Kolla took him to the United States to process a work permit and offered a 1-year job guarantee. However, he found out the Mr. Kolla is running an unauthorized employment and treats employees like slaves and blackmails them by holding their passports. He also stated that Mr. Ashok Kolla Manager searched his baggage without his presence, and he realized that USD 3000 was stolen. Mr. Srinivasa Rao Pucchakayala approached the Indian Consulate and an organization called TEAM AID and - Mr. Kolla sent him back to India and then got Mr. Satish Vemuri (candidate for Secretary) to make threatening calls on his behalf.
It is a disgrace to our beloved organization to accept the candidature of the above two candidates and I request the Election Committee and the BOD reject their nomination and candidature on grounds of moral turpitude and the ongoing nature of the case that could result in conviction. Failing to do so would cause irreparable damage to the organization and is a disrespect to members and donors and volunteers of the organization.
Bhakta Balla