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Stop Flights From The United States

Stop Flights From The United States

If one were to go by the social media posts it looks like many citizens are bothered about the flights between India and the USA in these Corona times.

The concerns may not be completely unfounded. The second wave has already hit the US. 

Look at countries like Singapore which have completely distanced themselves from other countries by stopping international flights (even the ones to the US) and in effect have been able to control the Corona spread.

Many Indians want this Singapore model to be emulated in India too. Those countries which haven’t done this are getting affected largely.

Another concern is that the US may have a stronger and different strain of Virus from India and if this strain of virus spreads in India through the commute in the flights India may not be able to control the Corona cases. These concerns cannot be ruled-out as not being genuine.

With the second wave making its entry, are the Government and the concerned authorities listening? That is the big question.


Tags: United States coronavirus