When Sourav Ganguly took on bowlers during his heydays, India cheered for their much-loved captain. It has been eight years since 'Dada' took the field for India, but when he again yielded the bat this weekend, there was no rustiness.
Ganguly, who is currently the Cricket Association of Bengal (CAB) president, had a fun-time as he could be seen playing against tennis ball with kids in gully cricket.
The huge sixes were there as well as the magical shots on the off-side. He even faced a delivery right-handed.
Ganguly last played for India in 2008 in a Test against Australia, while his last ODI was in 2007 against Pakistan.
Considered one of the greatest Indian captains ever, Ganguly guided the team to 2003 World Cup final. Under his India won Test matches in Australia, England.
Ganguly scored 7212 runs in 113 Tests for India, while he scored 11363 in 311 ODIs.