Street fights are nothing new for our men, no matter where they are. A similar fight happened in Texas in the US earlier this week.
The fight was between two Indians, one of them from our own Andhra Pradesh. They fought in full public view on the street, and the Telugu man threatened the fellow Indian with killing him. This threat landed the angry Telugu man in jail. The fight was over a social media post.
They first exchanged verbal abuse, which later turned into fisticuffs. Each of them punched the other's face, causing some injuries to both. There was more verbal abuse between them.
This happened in the Richwood community in Frisco, Texas, where 98 percent of the population is Indian. Interestingly, out of the 98 percent Indian population, the community has 70 percent Telugu people.
A couple of months ago, our people had a fight at a weekend party where two groups clashed with each other. It brings shame to the motherland that they are indulging in caste-based fights, as well as political ones.
One wonders what our people are doing outside!