As the convention for NATA is only few days away from happening, they continue to bring the best from all the industries. Meaningful and insightful discussions have always been on their radar keeping up with the current trend and technology.
The Business Seminar headed by Chandrashekhar Chintala, and co-chaired by Hari Kancharla, Maruthi Reddy, Sachi Mutuluru, Sridhar Bommu, Devi Anupalli, Subba Reddy Karnati, Arvind Narella, Kishore Neelakantam and overseeing by advisors Ravi Kandimalla, Sudheer Amireddy, Dr. Darga Nagireddy alongside members Lakshmi Darur, Vasu Byreddy Sudheer Medapati have all put in extra efforts to ensure there are speakers who have realtime experience of the current market situations.
The speakers are world renowned technology and business leaders such as Suma Nallapati Global CIO of Insight, Nagendra Bandaru executive board member of Wipro, Amala Duggirala enterprise chief information officer Columbia University, Madhu Kona Vice-President HCL Technologies.
These seminars include fireside chat on emerging technologies, startup next showcasing their ideas, panel discussion on immigration and various categories relating to employment based visas and investment diversification.
Such discussions and seminars have always benefitted the attendees and provide the needed insight, needless to say, it is next to impossible to meet and see these industry leaders in the close quarters.
These seminars are scheduled for Saturday, 1st July and Sunday, 2nd July at the NATA Convention happening in Dallas, TX.
For more information, please visit: www.nataconventions.org