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MBS - The Serpent and the Rope

We have been watching several statements flying all around on T-issue and the verbal tirades include truths, half-truths and even untruths. To separate chaff from the grain we need proper knowledge and perspective backed with recorded history and statistics. Unfortunately no one is obliging us with these.

In Indian philosophy ‘Rajju Sarpa Bhranthi’ has great significance. In darkness we may find a snake. If you acquire a candle, in its light you would realize it as a mere rope. Where from the serpent has come? It came out of your ignorance (symbolized by darkness) and was superimposed on the rope, which is the reality. And how do you remove the serpent out of your thoughts? By knowledge (symbolized by light)! So it is the knowledge that removes our baseless apprehensions, mutual suspicions and possible death by unfounded fear.

Unfortunately our leaders are ignoring this basic tenet of Indian thought. When there is a demand for separate T-state with certain claims and demands, they should have probed the matter deep and enlightened the general public about the validity of those allegations. TDP was in power when KCR started T- agitation; Congress has been in power for the last six years. No one bothered to publish a whitepaper to educate us whether T- region has developed since 1956, on par with other regions or not.

TDP appointed Yerram Naidu committee on delve on the matter and after 4 months of deliberations, the committee found that the demand for T-state was genuine and recommended TDP to pass a resolution in favor of division. After 15 months, prominent TDP MPs asked Rosaiah govt. to issue whitepaper on development of T-region! Obviously they did not have these figures while considering the genuineness of the separatist demand!

Look at Congress! Its MP Undavalli published an article in Sakshi quoting some statistics to prove that the growth rate since 1956 is higher in T than in other areas. Why so much delay in publishing this, may we ask! We have been reading tons of news, watching thousands of hours on TV on T – issue. No channel, no newspaper delved deep into the matter.

Among Telugu newspapers, A Jyothi largely publishes pro-division articles but gives space to integrationalist columnists sometimes. Sakshi does the reverse. Eenadu, the premier newspaper with unparalleled RRG displays mysterious stoicism. They have enough material to work out development figures, independent of govt. records. But they chose to give news but not views on T-issue, for the reasons best known to them. Only last week, they gave a full page information reg. Fazal Ali commission, Gentlemen’s agreement etc. Too little, too late!

In my regular column “MBS Kaburlu” in GA’s Telugu version, I have been trying to correct certain misinformation and disinformation being circulated by politicians. I am an individual with my modest collection of paper-cuttings and library. When separatists claim that Vengala Rao cannot be considered T-CM since his family migrated from WG Dist., I pointed out that Vengala Rao worked hard for Khammam dist. (part of T-region) but not WG dist. When it is argued that no T-CM has been allowed to complete 5 yrs., term in office to be able to develop the region, I suggested that 20% development was expected per year. When KK wondered why no film hero uses T-dialect, I demonstrated that heroes always speak standard Telugu and villains and comedians use not only T-dialect but several other dialects too.

Now I wish to delve on Separatists’ allegations on the issue of Dy. CM’s post. As per Gentlemen’s agreement, if the CM is from Andhra region (coastal areas plus Rayalaseema) Dy. CM must be from T-region and vice versa. Depending upon the information you have gathered, please write me answers to following questions before 13th Jan, 2010 to my email:

01. Did any CM from Andhra region (Coastal areas + Seema) appoint Dy.CM from T?

02. Did any CM from T appoint Dy. CM from Andhra region (Coastal areas + Seema)?

MBS Prasad
[email protected]