The population of Hyderabad is around 1 Crore. About 6% of them proved to be jokers by coming on to the roads for no valid reasons. Yes, 6.13 lakh lockdown violation cases were booked in a span of 1 month only in Hyderabad.
Usually, the majority of people follow the rules. They think that all the others do the same during lockdown period, if not during the normal days.
Even the governments are boasting that the lockdown is highly successful. People who are sitting at home also think that lockdown is successful by watching TV channels.
Surprisingly, the situation appears to be completely different.
If anyone takes a look at the number of cases booked for lockdown violations and other traffic violations during the lockdown period, it will be a shocker.
The Hyderabad City traffic police have booked a whopping 6.13 lakh cases from March 22 to April 25, just for a period of one month. This is indeed a Bahubalian record. Because this is the number usually witnessed for an entire year.
We will get to know the situation better if we know the number of traffic violations in the last few years. A total of 8.64 lakh cases were booked with a fine of Rs.6.10 crore in 2018.
If we talk about last year, More than 5 lakh cases have been booked for traffic violations till June, 2019 and fines to the tune of Rs. 9.10 crores. That was a hightened curve when compared to that of previous year.
Well, we can convince ourselves that there is an increase in the number of cases every year and 2020 will also witness more number of cases. But 6.13 lakh cases is an unbelievable number for a period of one month and it shows the gravity of the situation. This shows how people lacked seriousness during the hard times of corona crisis.
When contacted the traffic personnel, they are saying that people are coming out for silly reasons and they have no other way than booking cases. They are saying that they are booking nearly 10,000 vehicles on a daily basis for lockdown violations.
They have also imposed more than 16,000 spot challans on the traffic violators during the lockdown period in Hyderabad city alone.
It seems lockdown has become a big joke for the traffic violators.