A spike in the online gambling industry in the UK in recent years proves beyond doubt the popularity of gambling nationwide. In spite of being an easily accessible method of entertainment, no one can deny the infliction of harm gambling is capable of. Even the recovery continues for a length of time which leaves a person drained.
It continues to the following generation because the debt generated during the period of addictive gambling can sum up to be a huge amount. So, prevention is always upheld as a feasible option to adapt when any sign of addictive gambling can be recognized..
GamStop Self Exclusion for Online Casinos
For the availability of new and improved technology, it is now possible to access gambling sites from anywhere possible and hence it is indispensable to have a grip over this sudden impulse that drives a punter into gambling frequently. Hence, for the same purpose Exclusion tools come in handy and are proven to be successful in controlling online gambling issues.
The self-exclusion software strictly bans the entry of the registered punter into any site that supports gambling, or even publishers gambling-related content. Among the exclusion schemes, GamStop is the most common and the most readily available option for punters in the UK. It is independently operating and collaborating with various big brands including sports teams supporting their agenda of safe gambling practices.
The United Kingdom made it mandatory for operators in the UK to comply with the GamStop software as a part of public welfare to provide protection to vulnerable gamblers. GamStop is not available at certain UK online casinos which are registered in offshore countries such as Curacao, Panama, Gibraltar etc. These self-exclusion schemes are deeply rooted in the concept of repeated practices creating a new habit that saves people from threat. The exclusion span of people can vary according to the severity of their condition. One can choose their exclusion from six months to even up to five years which is further extendable.
Gambling Blockers
Among the paid blockers, Gamban is another popular name among all other online gambling tools. It disables the access of a punter into sites offering gambling games. The aim of the paid self-exclusion services remains the same as the ones that are freely available but as there are charges on these software, it is believed that people are more likely to take this seriously.
Betfilter is another paid software for blocking gambling websites. It restricts the entry into not just gambling sites but also sites that are providing information related to gambling practices. There is no question about the effectiveness provided by Betfilter since it is considered to provide one of the most vigilant security.
BetBlocker is another free gambling-specific software for restricting entry into gambling sites. Currently having access to more than 13613 sites, BetBlocker provides strict security to make people continue with their self-restriction process while not lifting the ban before maturation of the exclusion span pre-selected by the user.
Gamblock is a blocking software running on the most advanced technology in the current market, hence, creating a space for the topmost level of security. It is available to business agencies, corporates as well as individuals where the exclusion ranges from one month to five years. All these software are compatible with various devices so that it comes in handy for everyone irrespective of their login source. This makes sure the entry is disabled from all the devices they are using and not just one.
There is another website blocking service known as Netnanny which is capable of blocking content or even filtering them according to the requirements of the user when they are under supervision in order to regulate the expected set of activities. Netnanny uses various tools of artificial intelligence in order to reach its goals. The variety of algorithms utilized in the software is adequate for locating and blocking gambling-related content which makes it quite useful for problematic gamblers.
SENSE Exclusion for Land-Based Casinos
Launched in the year 2015, the Self Enrollment National Self Exclusion Scheme enables people to enrol in a self-exclusion program that involves themselves being banned from all the land-based casinos in the UK.
The simplicity and transparency provided by the same service invite customers to opt for it. The quick enrollment process followed by a few questions from the authorities is enough for a minimum of six months exclusion from accessing gambling. Lifting of the ban includes a detailed interview at the casino venue which takes place only after the exclusion period gets over.
Block Gambling Transactions at Bank
Several reputed banks in the UK teamed up with the government to stand for the cause and fight gambling addiction by preaching the word of exclusion. This opened up a whole new way of self-exclusion paving the way towards the prevention of addiction.
Lloyds Banking Group, HSBC, Monzo, Cashplus, Barclays are some of the collaborating banks that are capable of authorizing block transactions in case of gambling online. This ensures the credit and debit cards that are linked with paying off gambling bills are properly restricted for the same activity.
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