"Tinnu! It has been 40 minutes since you are watching videos on mobile. You will lose your eyesight. Keep it aside"- This is the most common way of how mothers used to reprimand their children in the pre Covid era.
But the situation has changed now. Mothers are being forced to download either Zoom or Teams App on the mobiles and give it to their kids to attend online classes. It's not just 40 minutes but they are compelled to spend a solid six hour duration, glueing their eyes to the mobile from 9 AM to 3 PM, following period after period.
Many may feel that children are comfortable with online classes and safe from Covid. But they are prone to face the problems of eyesight and the negative effects due to the exposure to continuous radiation. Some ophthalmologists are also expressing their serious concern over this.
When some of the parents are realizing this and starting to complain, the school managements are rescheduling the timings from 9 PM to 1 PM.
In several companies the business calls and video conferences generally last for 30 minutes to 1 hour. It proves to be a tiresome thing even for the elders. It is needless to say how badly it consumes the energies of students with online classes for 6 hours every day.
But what is the better alternative? How to get along with the academics? The sudden attack of Corona has changed the world and made the online classes a Hobson's choice.
Some parents are suggesting the school managements to send the recorded lesson videos of each subject everyday on whatsapp so that they can download and make their children watch on desktop/ laptop. This will reduce at least the radiation to an extent, as per parents.
Many schools are not ready for whatsapp videos as the teachers feel that their videos may go viral if they make any mistake and thus the reputation will be spoiled. Even now many teachers are not comfortable with online classes as they know that their talent is being judged by the parents at home.
No one knows when the light at the end of the tunnel can be seen.