DrChef Kitchen Recently Posted a Very Different Recipe - FRIED ICE CREAM on Children’s Day and what’s special about the recipe is that it’s been made so simple, easy, and Kids Friendly.
The Idea behind the Recipe is to Inspire Kids and Develop their Interest towards Cooking at a young age. Here is the Link of the Recipe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bqsY3vaMB8
DrChef Kitchen focus is just not on Regular Recipes but also on Traditional Recipes which are very different and which we don’t get to eat at restaurants. These Days, our Original and Traditional recipes are being forgotten and Drchef Kitchen will take you back to the childhood days and will also come up with recipes which are very rare.
Here are some of them and many more to follow in the coming Days:
Healthy Garlic Curry: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcKn5KIbGFM
Corn Curry (Rare Recipe): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5m8jAynFuaI
Please watch for a new Drchef Kitchen Recipe every other weekend and enjoy the art of cooking at the comfort of your kitchen at home. DrChef Kitchen will be coming with different Varieties of Traditional, Village Style, Restaurant Style Recipes, and many more in the days to follow.
Please Subscribe to this Drchef Kitchen to get up to date Recipes: https://www.youtube.com/c/DrchefKitchen
Follow Dr.ChefKitchen on Instagram, DrChefKitchen on Facebook & DrChefKitchen1 on Twitter.
About DrChef Kitchen:
DrChef Kitchen is a YouTube Cooking Channel with recipes cooked and posted by Dr.Madhu (Ram) and Dr.Keerti, Doctors Practicing in USA. Dr.Madhu is an Entrepreneur, a very busy Dental Practitioner and has a Chain of Dental Offices in USA. Despite his Busy Schedule with Dentistry during the weekdays and Saturdays, his passion and Interest towards Cooking Never Stopped. So, he and his wife started this channel to post Some Authentic Indian Recipes during the only free time they get on a Sunday. Only free time they get on Sunday and the videos have a cute finishing with their daughther Samhitha at the end of every video.
Content Produced by Indian Clicks, LLC