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Bizarre: Woman Files For Divorce As Husband Skips Daily Baths

Bizarre: Woman Files For Divorce As Husband Skips Daily Baths

A woman from Agra, Uttar Pradesh, has filed for divorce just 40 days after her marriage due to her husband's poor hygiene habits.

The woman, who chose to remain anonymous, complained that her husband, Rajesh, bathes only once or twice a month.

According to an India Today report, Rajesh’s infrequent bathing led to an unbearable stench that his wife could no longer tolerate.

Rajesh claimed that he uses Gangajal, water from the River Ganga, for purification, sprinkling it over his body once a week. During their brief marriage, he reportedly bathed just six times, and only at his wife's insistence.

The issue of hygiene became a major point of contention in their relationship. After repeated confrontations and pleas from his wife, she eventually left and returned to her parents' home.

Her family also filed a dowry harassment complaint against Rajesh at a local police station.

At a family counseling center in Agra, where the woman sought help, her complaints were taken seriously.

Rajesh responded to the intervention by promising to improve his hygiene and bathe daily. Despite this, the woman remains unwilling to reconcile and continues to seek a divorce.

The couple has been asked to return to the counseling center on September 22 to further discuss their future.

This isn't the only unusual divorce case in Agra.

Earlier this year, another woman sought a divorce from her husband after he failed to bring her a packet of Kurkure, a popular snack, which led to frequent arguments between the two.

According to a Hindustan Times report, the woman's regular consumption of Kurkure became a source of tension, and when her husband failed to bring the snack home one day, she became so upset that she moved out and later filed for divorce.


Tags: Divorce