Aries (21st Mar – 20th Apr): Favorable time to review the state of your health and make any developments that you think are necessary. You are likely to make steady progress if you are involved in a property deal. Plans and decisions made at this phase will yield good results. Travel plans to attend marriage proposals or meeting siblings is likely. You are eager to get started on some exciting new projects. You will be ready to help out your colleague in difficulty. Cheerful and positive atmosphere at home is apparently indicating.
Taurus (21st Apr – 21st May): Good news about loved ones is likely. Good time to sort out any situations that are difficult to handle in recent days. An opportunity to meet new people is likely, talking to other people to find out what’s going on. You are advised to choose your words carefully, you are suddenly struggling to keep out of verbal trouble, particularly with family members. Though there will be hectic work schedule or work load, monetary benefits will be fine. You also get the rewards and recognition at work place.
Gemini (22nd May – 22nd Jun): You are likely to lead a contended and blissful moments with family. Anything that you pick up to improve your home atmosphere will be successful. Good opportunities are likely regarding financial matters, especially money-making schemes that will grow in time. Some of you many hesitate to take risks, but you will succeed with sensible schemes. Some Unpleasant situations may arise, before being self-protective, consider how you may be contributing to the situation.
Cancer (23rd Jun - 22nd Jul): Situation around you will be encouraging and you do something more interesting assignments than usual. Make sure that they have been organized as efficiently as possible. Your determination and self-confidence will bring huge profits in business and other new ventures. some of you are advised to work systematically, starting with whatever is most urgent. You should also give yourself frequent breaks so your mind remains fresh and fully active. Best way to relax is to socializing with friends and dear ones.
Leo (23rd Jul – 22nd Aug): Those who are planning major purchases for home will do so, but you are advised to do some research first to make sure you are getting a good deal. Fiscal monitoring is necessary at this phase. You are in a realistic frame of mind, and would not pledge yourself to any approaches that you know you can not accomplish but nor will you make justifications for yourself if you have not done as well as anticipated. Get together with relatives is likely, good time to take care of domestic responsibilities. Some of you are likely to visit amusement places.
Virgo (23rd Aug – 22nd Sep): New ideas and plans implemented at this phase will give good results. Even if you start small and work up to something bigger over time. you will make good use of your time. Working on long term plans will benefit you. Business people, who are planning to expand their business will soon open their branches in other cities. Domestic issues which were nagging you from long time need to settled down immediately, because you may not be able to carry things for much longer time.
Libra (23rd Sep – 22nd Oct): Your interest towards meditation and spiritual activities will increase. Don’t hesitate to discuss things and take necessary suggestions with someone whose opinions you value. At some point you may have to compromise in few issues probably day to day activities to achieve what you exactly wanted. A piece of gossip that you were trying not to spread may really disturb you. However, you will escape from the difficult situation without any effort on your part. You would like to spend time with a person who truly loves you.
Scorpion (23rd Oct – 22nd Nov): You will get an opportunity to mingle with the people who shares your interests. Favorable time to work on your long pending dreams. Spare little time to turn them into reality. Good determination and focus at your work will yield best results. Shopping plans may not turn fruitful. You should be more practical in some issues, otherwise it may lead to many problems. Good support from friends can be expected. You will have a great time with your friends and dear ones.
Sagittarius (23rd Nov – 22nd Dec): Starting new ventures at this phase will bring good recognition. Your efforts to increase your reputation will be successful. Good opportunities are foreseen for those who are seeking for new jobs. You are capable of impressing everyone with your problem-solving abilities, because you pretty well calculate the risks and other matters in the issues profoundly. Avoid postponing your personal things with laziness. people around you may try to push their opinions in your brain, better to ignore such people. You may lose some precious moments for being so stubborn.
Capricorn (23rd Dec – 22nd Jan): Any kind of group activities and team work will be successful. Your colleagues and associates will be benefited by your support and timely help. constructive ideas in current assignments will bring you into lime light. Accepting challenges and opportunities that come your way may enhance your reputation. You are cautioned to be careful in relationships as certain relationships could be deceptive. You are likely to visit spiritual places with your friends. pleasant news from far places is likely.
Aquarius (23rd Jan - 22nd Feb): You are likely to spend fabulous time with your loved ones. You can seek genuine opinion about your views from the person whom you admire most, they will do their best to tell you what they exactly think in a fair and honest way. Petty issues at work may arise if you do your job in hurry. Financial position will be quiet promising. Some of you may get interesting opportunities to work on. Travelling will be full of fun and joy if you are interested. Some of you may join recreation clubs. New contacts will flourish.
Pisces (23rd Feb – 20th Mar): Partnership ventures will do well. loved ones will support you in all aspects. Adopting new strategies will bring success with fewer efforts. It is better to ignore some unpleasant facts to keep yourself in tranquil state. If you have not heard from a friend or relative who lives a long way away, this is a good time to contact them. You will spend much time for domestic issues. You will carry and face all kind of issues with great confidence. Whether it could be professionally or personally. Good to give emphasis on property or land matters.
Vakkantham Chandra Mouli