Weekly Horoscope May 3 to May 9, 2020: Know weekly astrology predictions for all zodiac signs
Aries (21st Mar – 20th Apr): Proceed cautiously in the projects you are dealing with now. You may have overstretched your resources. You will use your creativity to implement your ideas successfully. Do not expect much support from relatives. Employees will overstretch to overcome hurdles at work. Avoid arguments to maintain peace. Favorable opportunities are foreseen for the industrialists and sports people. Creative field people will be relieved from mental disturbances. Health should be given high priority. Business people may have to invest their mind and efforts to earn profits. Stay away from speculations. Hectic journeys are predicted. Positive vibes in personal relationships are likely.
Taurus (21st Apr – 21st May): Good time to make financial plans. Business people efforts to expand their dealings will be successful, this will bring them substantial profits. Investments in fixed assets will be fruitful. Senior people in the organization will encourage employees to handle the issues independently at this juncture followed by monetary rewards. Sports people will finally overcome hitches in their profession. Health will remain fine as long as you keep check on your diet. Some of you may seek spiritual guidance to overcome personal emotions. Favorable time for students to gain good opportunities to move forward.
Gemini (22nd May – 22nd Jun): Rift in personal relationships are apparently indicating. Tensions in financial matters may flare up. Especially, for those who have long pending loans. Some assignments may slow down without any reasons. However, the situations may improve shortly. Maintaining good relationships with relatives will be your source of strength. Unnecessary anxiousness may create due to opponents. Business people cannot expect much improvement in business during this phase. Creative field people will be confused to take decisions pertain to their projects in hand now and also about new offers. Opportunities to communicate with people who are away from you will boost your confidence.
Cancer (23rd Jun - 22nd Jul): Your hard work will earn double your income at this phase. Your dear ones will be always there for you to enhance your confidence, provided if you are ready to admit your mistakes. You may plan auspicious events at home. Travel to survey new areas of interest is likely and some favorable job opportunities will follow. Business people will be overwhelmed with the new ventures received now. Those working in armed services are likely to receive some news about monetary benefits. Responsibilities may seem heavy. You may not feel quite comfortable with someone as you used to in some environments.
Leo (23rd Jul – 22nd Aug): You will plan some activities very strategically. You will be so enthusiastic to participate in service-oriented activities. There will be perfect accord between family members which will help to keep the atmosphere cheerful at home. Name and fame will enhance in the society for political field people. Quick decisions and aggressive moves in new ventures will keep you in good spirits. Business people are likely to receive opportunities which they have been waiting for long time. Employees will also have an excellent time to make a move to achieve their goals and ambitions. There are far more constructive things to focus on. Creative field people will be eager to explore new opportunities that can enhance their creativity.
Virgo (23rd Aug – 22nd Sep): Those who are working with large organizations will be given opportunity to restructure their plans. Unexpected things that happens now will give you some relief, it could be an end of a nagging problem also. Delightful information from distant relatives will be received. Travel plans will get postponed. Political and creative field people will receive new opportunities. Some of you are likely to assign their workload to someone to share. Best time to take some rest. Creativity will win compliments. Practice good dietary habits to stay healthy. Those who are in search of new job are likely to receive opportunities. Auspicious events may take place.
Libra (23 Sep - 22 Oct): Disappointments in financial matters are apparently indicating. Few important assignments may take back seat. You may request your close associates to help in solving in some crucial issues. Neither loss nor profit situations are indicating for the business people. Family members will increase pressure in domestic matters. Minor health issues are foreseen. Employees are likely to make their mark in their jobs. Don’t hesitate to revise your earlier plans, it will certainly benefit you in long run. Sports and research people will find some positive situations around them. Time to heal some deep-seated issues.
Scorpio (23rd Oct – 22nd Nov): Minor hurdles are indicating in few assignments. Some of you may seek financial loans to meet the expenditure. You are advised to pay attention on your health. Spending time in spiritual practices will improve your positive thinking. Important information received from dear ones will keep you in good spirits. Senior employees will be given managerial responsibilities at work. Disappointments in new ventures are likely for the contractors. Creative field people will lose the opportunities during this phase. Work stress will increase for the people in research field. You will find plenty of time to connect with people and spend quality time with your spouse.
Sagittarius (23rd Nov – 22nd Dec): Disputes will be cleared with relatives and friends and personal relationships will be satisfactory. Contacts will develop. You are likely to take up prestigious assignment. Financially, the period Is quiet promising. Married people will enjoy conjugal bliss. Additional responsibilities may create problems in your daily routine. Senior employees will be offered higher ranks at work. Children will be source of joy. Expenditure will increase. You may have to compromise in some situations if you wish to benefit on a long -term basis. Expansion of business thoughts will be fruitful for the business associates. Your efforts to move towards organized life style will yield good results in health issues.
Capricorn (23rd Dec – 22nd Jan): Financial position will be promising. Important tasks will be completed without any turmoil. New agreements will be made in property matters. Construction related works will run smoothly though temporary issues arise. Those who are working in contract jobs can expect permanent jobs during the phase. Women are advised not to take petty issues seriously as it could hurt them deeply. Independent entrepreneurs will be surprised with unexpected opportunities. Persistent efforts and hard work will take employees closer to their professional goals. Students are advised to set their goals and pursue them seriously.
Aquarius (23rd Jan - 22nd Feb): Try to complete the current task before accepting other assignments to avoid disappointments. Arguments with family members are likely. Hasty decisions may lead to unnecessary tensions. You may have to work hard to achieve your targets. Personal activities may slow down during this phase. Pressure from higher authorities may upset employees. You are advised to create opportunities rather than wait for others to make an offer. Outstanding amount will be received. Try to see things in a different perspective to tune your mind toward positivity. Some of you are likely to make some profound decisions. Make best use of the time to sharpen your creativity.
Pisces (23rd Feb – 20th Mar): Lucratively it may not be promising time. Happy news from dear ones is likely to receive. Unexpected journeys are likely. You are likely to make changes in your plans. The creative or artistic will get opportunities to showcase their talents. Heated discussions with siblings are likely. Domestic matters will be congenial. Employees will be added other’s load also. Don’t be panic for petty issues, as they can be resolved so easily with little commonsense. Children will be source of joy. Business people cannot expect higher profits at this juncture. Some of you may need additional funds for sudden contingencies at work.
Vakkantham Chandra Mouli