Aries (21st Mar – 20th Apr): Important matters need to be discussed with elder people to avoid any kind of fuss. Especially while taking any decisions. Though you work for long hours also, you may not be able to finish few tasks. Don’t let some important projects go out of your hand. Emotional phase at home will make you lose your temper. You would like to spend abundant of time in familiar surroundings, and with familiar faces. You are likely to take some decisions regarding security of the people at the home. You may probably attend some unexpected events.
Taurus (21st Apr – 21st May): Hectic work schedule is foreseen. You are advised to seek advice from experts while signing important agreements or new contracts. Financial opportunity which you have been waiting for a long time will come your way. Auspicious celebration at home is likely with near and dear. Good to take some constructive decision in a recent issue which is nagging you from quite some time. You will spend time in social activities; you are likely to join hands with some service organizations for a social cause.
Gemini (22nd May – 22nd Jun): People related to sports field will enjoy success in their current tasks. You enjoy working new assignments. Strong competitive spirit can leads to victory in business. New challenges accepted at this juncture will lead to better things. Long term plans in fiscal activities will yield good results. Upright social skills help you in making new friendships. Joyful time with friends is apparently indicating. You are likely to attend local events with family members. Unmarried will get good match.
Cancer (23rd Jun- 22nd Jul): Maintain strict silence in personal matters, discussing with others will mess the situations. Pending issues related with government body will be completed with the help of a friend. You may be given an opportunity to help the needy through an organization. You will be the center of attraction in a social gathering, and also you receive wonderful compliments. Full of confidence that you have gained recently will help you to improve life. Some of you may choose therapist assistance to get relived from physical stress.
Leo (23rd Jul – 22nd Aug): You will refresh your social contacts to get some help in future plans. Financial dealings will do extremely well. Implementing innovative ideas in business will work out well. Tough tasks at work may need to push ahead with confident efforts. Outburst of short temper may spoil everyone’s mood at family. Better to admit it and try to do something constructive about it. You may get an opportunity to make some controversial statements about a person who is gossiping behind you all these days.
Virgo (23rd Aug – 22nd Sep): Those who are interested in art subjects may get good opportunities. Your efforts to nullify some old issues between two of your friends will be successful. You will gain some spiritual knowledge. Unemployed will get job opportunities. Good time to meet old friends which has been pending from a long time. Involving in social and creative activities will enable you to come out from mental stress. Social gathering may find boring for you. Try to clear off pending issues, as luck is favorable to you.
Libra (23rd Sep – 22nd Oct): You are likely to spend some time in group chatting and discussions. Work load at office may increase. Traveling to various places will help you in improving your knowledge. You may also develop interest in spiritual deeds. You may not be able to adjust with the atmosphere in a social gathering. You may become impatient and it could lead to bad tempered acts. You would think that making certain changes in your current goals may reap you good results in short time. You will get positive response from your superiors for the ideas you have.
Scorpion (23rd Oct – 22nd Nov): Some issues may go against you at home or work, but don’t lose your temper. Keep an open mind. Not a good time to blame anyone here, try to keep up the relationships. You need to learn from past experience and move together into a brighter and more loving future. Some important tasks may need little attention to complete; slow down a bit, doing things in hurry may spoil the entire project. People who are waiting for new opportunities in professional career may get some opportunities, but not of their choice.
Sagittarius (23rd Nov – 22nd Dec): Expenditure is likely to increase. Any issues in marital life will be cleared off. Support from friends is indicating apparently. Auspicious news at home will bring joy and bliss. Troubles may arise in property matters. Things will move in your favor by adopting different strategies in a long pending nagging issue. Profession wise you will be ready to accept challenges, but doing something hastily may bring troubles. Expressing your views clearly and honestly will bring various opportunities.
Capricorn (23rd Dec – 22nd Jan): Better to think twice while implementing new ideas. Expert’s advice is necessary in new projects. Students will do well in their studies. New contacts made will be proven beneficial in long run. New contracts signed at this juncture may need little emphasis. You are likely to plan a luxurious travel. You will be given a temporary project at work. It could be working with a team. Giving your best will yield you good opportunities in near future. You are likely to spend time for the activities which you were interested to do from a long time.
Aquarius (23rd Jan - 22nd Feb): You are occupied with too many works at work place. If you have been struggling to solve the problem you need someone’s help in clearing off the task. But, your ego may not allow you to seek help from any of your associates. Children activities may need little emphasis. Good to spend some time with them. Extra effort is required to keep up some relationships. Amusement with friends and dear ones is likely. You will spend hugely without any control. Better to give emphasis on monetary aspects.
Pisces (23rd Feb – 20th Mar): You will come to know about some important information from distant relatives. You are likely to spend much time in hosting the guests. Those who are planning to shift their houses may do so. Health need to be taken good care. Make it compulsory to do some physical activity. Unexpected thing may happen at this juncture. Employees are likely to work additional hours than usual. Some plans may get postponed or cancelled in the last moment, but seeing it in a positive side will make you feel comfortable.
Vakkantham Chandra Mouli