Aries (21st Mar – 20th Apr): Improved financial position allows you to clear off the debts. You will be very keen on any activities that will enhance your life and given you rather fresh to think about. If you are concerned about your loved ones make sure that domestic and family plans run smoothly. Be particularly careful when dealing with joint finances and loans. Involving in spiritual activities and visiting temples is likely. Shopping may not be joyful and enthusiastic this time. You are likely to develop interest in a new hobby.
Taurus (21st Apr – 21st May): Financial matters may resurface, you may need little planning to handle finances. Be careful with new contacts. There could be annoyance in the atmosphere while dealing with higher officials. However, you may get a chance to prove how organized and practical you can be. You are likely to buy some large appliances for your house. Plenty of enjoyment with family members is indicating. one of your friends may need your attention to solve their problem. Invitations from distant places are likely.
Gemini (22nd May – 22nd Jun): If you are concentrating on something important try to control your thoughts that are flying in all directions. Try to avoid certain situations where you have to force other persons to accept your beliefs and thoughts. Unnecessary promises will land you in problems if you fail to deliver them. Your gentle behavior and attitude will win the hearts of your family members. Personal relationships will do well. Health problems are likely to spoil your plans, though they are not serious better to pay attention.
Cancer (23rd Jun - 22nd Jul): There could be some huffs and puffs at work place for the employees, but their dedicated hard work will make them strong and fearless to move forward. Your determined effort and emotional commitment to achieve the heights at work place will be successful. your partner may support you in making a financial decision. Students will do well in their education. Students with technical back ground applying for higher education may get positive result. Research programs, media jobs may do good.
Leo (23rd Jul – 22nd Aug): Your plans to start new ventures will be done. One after the other problem may irk you in personal life. There will be even more confusing if you try to take advice from other persons. everyone will be giving different advice. financial matters need attention. Don’t waste time on frivolities. You are advised to control your temptations while shopping, as unnecessary expenditure is expecting. Negligence in domestic matters may lead to misunderstandings. Spend some time with family members to soothe the issues.
Virgo (23rd Aug – 22nd Sep): Business meetings will be successful. Sports people will get good opportunities and get the things what they want. At work, a colleague may nag you and spoil your mood. Free lancers will get good income. Those who are planning to start second line of income will get few opportunities. Social parties will be joyful. Functions and parties at home will bring blissful moments. You are likely to display a lot of emotion when you are in a public place. Change of dietary habits may prove to be more necessary than ever.
Libra (23rd Sep – 22nd Oct): You are advised to take suggestions from mentors regarding your career, there could be chance of choosing wrong objective. Irresponsible approach in work may lead to loss of job. Those trying for financial loans may get sanctioned. You may have to face some logistic problems, money should be spent on the works to get completed. Due to poor decision-making ability wrong moves are possible in personal life too. Religion and spiritual activities may occupy your mind. Visit to religious places is also likely.
Scorpion (23rd Oct – 22nd Nov): Short cuts are not possible in all kind of works. Emotional stress may upset your health and cause restlessness too. You may find it quite difficult to separate your emotions and thoughts. Financial deals may not be productive. Don’t let suspicion make you do things that will set other people against you. You will be occupied with religious activities. Delays in personal activities is likely. You love to spend in the company of your spouse and loved ones. Siblings issues may cause little worry.
Sagittarius (23rd Nov – 22nd Dec): Travelling is likely. Learning new things to add your wisdom is likely. Personal relationships will improve. People may seek your advice in various aspects. Sharing of ideas will boost your bonds. Celebrities will be in lime light. You may develop interest in creative pursuits. Least expectation and hard work in business will give you best results. Children issues will become priority. Minor disturbance in love life is likely. Unnecessary expenditure is indicating. Buying something hastily may disappoint you later.
Capricorn (23rd Dec – 22nd Jan): You will come across some controversial issues. Those who are facing legal issues regarding ancestral property may face some tricky situations and find more people involved in that. Your stubborn attitude may even worse the situations. overspending on amusement activities is apparently indicated. Spending too much on such activities may lead to problems. Loss of something which you like and value most is likely. constructive discussions with much older person than you will fill some positive thoughts in your mind.
Aquarius (23rd Jan - 22nd Feb): Business people may get big opportunities. You will be the center of attraction in business seminars. Your presentation skills will attract everyone. New investments in the existing business will come with less efforts. Plans to launch new ventures will be successful. Good amount of funds flow will enable you to expand the business as cherished. In some matters you will quickly get bored and want to move on to something else. You are likely to organize social parties. Keep check on your eating habits.
Pisces (23rd Feb – 20th Mar): You will get commanding opportunities to prove your strength and ability. Your pleasing behavior and pleasant looks will win many friends in a social get together. Everyone seems to be going out of their way to be outgoing and you are also at your congenial. Unmarried may get good marriage proposals and get married in a short time. Auspicious ceremonies at home is likely. Reckless behavior in personal matters will lead to troubles in the long run. pay attention to your spouse’s opinions.
Vakkantham Chandra Mouli