Aries (21st Mar – 20th Apr): Efforts done in the past will start giving its fruits. You are likely to give a try for the work which you are scared and not tried for all these days. Social status will increase and you may also gain good friends in the society. Minor adjustments in domestic affairs will give you immense satisfaction. House shifting is likely. You are ready to bear the fuss in few situations for the loved ones. Misunderstandings may arise in the money matters. If you are dealing with any documentation, there could be some confusion if you do not pay attention.
Taurus (21st Apr – 21st May): Relatives may demand you in all the ways possible, you may have to face changes connected with relationships. Financial management will become hectic. Unavoidable expenditure is foreseen. You are likely to be loaded with too many responsibilities at work place. your diplomacy may not work this time. Arguments and disagreements regarding ancestral property or fixed resources is predicted. Your desire to enjoy travelling whenever you get a chance with loved ones is likely to happen. Neighbors will be helpful and cooperative.
Gemini (22nd May – 22nd Jun): Legal issues if any will be resolved in your favor. old friends will come into contact again. Disputes in the family will bring disharmony. Some vital changes at home is predicted. Try to conduct get togethers to bring siblings and relatives together. Taking part in social activities and mingling with as many people as possible is likely. You are advised not to peep into other’s personal matters to avoid gossips. Money is spent like water. Be careful and control your budget. Women are busy in receiving guests.
Cancer (23rd Jun - 22nd Jul): It is better to take expert’s advice in financial problems. It could be someone whom you trust most. Avoid taking crucial decisions with disturbed mind. You are likely to hide few things with your dear ones; however, you can’t fleece it for a long time. Your wish to change your lifestyle will happen now. Friends support is appreciated whenever you require them. Entertaining guests lavishly is likely. Good time to communicate with the people, whom you are trying to talk from a long time.
Leo (23rd Jul – 22nd Aug): You will be able to overcome the obstacles that come your path in professional career. Your self confidence will enable you to face your enemies. Travel plans with family and children will be fruitful. You are likely to misunderstand the words of a friend with your false imaginations. New relationships will flourish with opposite sex. Some of you are likely to attend the spiritual preaching. People in creative field will get opportunity to prove their talent. Old debts will be recovered unexpectedly. Your sense of humor will win many appreciations in a get together
Virgo (23rd Aug – 22nd Sep): Those planning to join for higher studies will get good opportunities. Technical field employees may be given challenging tasks. Expansion of business is likely for the businesspeople. Amazing time with siblings is apparently indicating. Some changes or some serious decisions regarding domestic life is possible. You are likely to meet the people who are with same wave length. Auspicious ceremonies at home is likely, there will be remarkable coming together of family and friends is likely. Travel related plans will be successful.
Libra (23rd Sep – 22nd Oct): Good time to seek favors from friends. But you must be honest with yourself, you have to respond similarly when it is necessary to help others. Contacts with influential people is likely. Financial loans will be approved with less efforts. Improvement in pending issues are likely. social status will increase. Social activities and get togethers are likely at home. Investments pertain to future security may need thorough study. Approval from higher authorities is likely to conduct an event which you have planned from long time.
Scorpion (23rd Oct – 22nd Nov): Higher officials at work place will be highly impressed with your hard work and achievements. Those who are trying for new jobs or planning to switch over the fields may do so. Someone may try to stop your growth, beware of believing everyone who speaks impractically. Those who are planning for further studies may go ahead as time is favorable for them. There will be some disagreement with your spouse in an issue. An incident you come across in this phase will make you spiritually strong. Your attitude towards everyone will be caring and loving.
Sagittarius (23rd Nov – 22nd Dec): Planning on long term goals is necessary at this juncture. Opportunities from overseas is likely. Upright progress is indicating in current profession. Though there are some minor issues, your determination to stand up for yourself will enable you to overcome them. Your plans to visit somewhere is likely to happen. Those who have financial loans may clear them and those who have applied for financial loans will get desired result. Your social image will increase. You would like to spend good time with your loved ones and people who admire you most.
Capricorn (23rd Dec – 22nd Jan): Your strong determination to reach your goals in profession will be fulfilled. Some issues with the people around you may arise at work place. You may have to put large number of efforts to stream line the financial issues. There may be some confusions in profit sharing in businesses. Don’t accept too many assignments at a time. Someone may take advantage of your good nature. Be cautious before giving any commitments. Harmonious relationship with your family members is predicted.
Aquarius (23rd Jan - 22nd Feb): You are likely to spend lavishly, it is not possible for you to avoid temptations. You love spending in the company of your friends. it could be your neighbors also. Works with financial institutions may be done with fewer efforts. Some unpleasant facts may disturb your state of mind. Pending issue that has been nagging from past few weeks may get cleared. You are likely to involve in group activities which may need loads of energy. Your dietary habits may upset your health. Domestic life will be blissful and harmonious.
Pisces (23rd Feb – 20th Mar): Uncomfortable situations at work place is indicated for the employees. Good progress is indicated in the newly started ventures. Health issues may trouble you. Medical expenditure is likely to be high. make a list of the works and work on them with priority basis. friends and kids in the family love your company. Discussions regarding an auspicious ceremony at home will be successful. Bitterness in a close relationship is indicating. some truths are to be accepted though you don’t like to listen them.
Vakkantham Chandra Mouli