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Analysis: YSR checkmates PJR through silence

Analysis: YSR checkmates PJR through silence

Silence, it is said, is golden. There's also a saying that silence speaks more than words. Yes. Chief Minister YS Rajasekhar Reddy has adopted this weapon to checkmate his bitter political opponent and former CLP leader P Janardhan Reddy.

Soon after the street brawl involving the kin of Rajasekhar Reddy and Janardhan Reddy, many leaders, cutting across partylines, came out with their own statements. Some attempted to give it a political colour while some preferred to dub it as a regional fight, since PJR is from Telangana and YSR is from Rayalaseema.

Even APCC chief K Keshava Rao stepped in offering mediation. Janardhan Reddy too spoke at length criticising YSR and demanding that YSR's kin be arrested under attempt to murder charge.

But one man stood out. He silently watched the entire proceedings and did not interfere in this street episode. He is none other than Rajasekhar Reddy. Though his own brother was allegedly beaten up by PJR's people, Rajasekhar Reddy did not speak a single word in the open. He, however, continued with his political manoeuvres behind the scene and ensured that PJR's son and son-in-law were behind the bars.

Rajasekhar Reddy, who is often regarded as outspoken politician, chose to checkmate his opponent PJR through the weapon of silence.

And in the process, YSR won the laurels of not only his partymen but also from people.