Latest Nielsen Survey for Seemandhra Assembly Segments are projecting 138-144 assembly seats for YSRCP, 25-33 for TDP and remaining few for Congress and Others.
Veracity of this information was checked from the Neilson source and ensured that in fact the survey was conducted by Neilson in the later part of January '14 with a sample size of 50,000 voters, obviously taking demographics and other survey criteria into consideration.
Despite TDP & their friendly media's vicious campaign and constant attempt to mislead voters that YSRCP's acceptance has come down and TDP graph has dramatically gone up, the truth seems to be contrary once again exposing TDP's bogus information and orchestrated lies.
Real voters are smart, and looks like they made up their mind without falling prey to Media's blatantly false propaganda.
CNN-IBN's nationwide survey in early Jan '14 predicted that YSRCP vote share is 48% Vs 30% for TDP.
As late as yesterday the 20th Feb ’14 national channel Headlines Today projected same vote share i.e. 48% for YSRCP and 30% for TDP in Seemandhra an indication that YSRCP vote share is very much intact.
It is evident from the latest survey results that people in the Seemandhra are unwavering in giving YS Jagan's YSRCP a decisive mandate in upcoming elections.